Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/28/10 HW Week 7

Comments 4 Kids
I went to Mrs. Goerend's class and read a essay by Katie S on how to take care of a pet rat. I must say that she went into great detail about how to do it. Also, she is quite a good writer for her age!
Richard Miller: This is how we dream part 1 and 2
This is very interesting to watch. Richard some great ideas about how things are changing around us so quickly that we need to catch up with the times. I loved his presentation he made, like how just gave us some quick insight on some things about becoming more involved as teachers, or future teachers, on how we need to use technology. He said something about how soon the way we teach will totally change in using things such as multimedia.
He did so much stuff on multimedia that it was kind of hard to keep up with. He showed how
one could use videos and sounds and put them all together and make excellent presentations. He
even showed us how technology is starting to become more ingrained in our culture, for example he
used the most recent election. He showed us how a person could have gotten online and watched
how each state was voting throughout the whole process.
I think that this is just absolutely amazing! But, as far as am I ready the answer to that is no! To be honest I don't know how to do all that stuff well at least for now I don't, but soon I shall learn how to do it. Once I learn this, I will most definitely incorporate it into my class, so that my students will know how to do it when they get to college.
Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
I thought that the video was very neat and pretty interesting. The reason I say this, is because you know we talk and talk about how we are going to be techlit teachers. But you know that if we don't stay with doing it our students are going to fall behind a lot. This in turn puts the blame on us and how we should have done a better job on teaching our students everything. I love how she just gives a walk through of everything that will go on in the process of helping your student become a technological literate person.
As of right now I am not completely ready to go on a journey with my students teaching them how to do everything that I am doing. Now, I could teach them to create their own blogs and follow me on the computer where I would post their homework and assignments. I also could teach them how to use podcast and iTunes U for their advantage to help them further their education. But, I am not very good with multimedia and other things we haven't explored yet.
The reason the kids will need teachers in the future, even though most of the work will be online, is because they will need someone to help them clear things up. Like if they had a question if a website was reliable the teacher could let them know if it is or not. And the teacher can help them keep things from getting cluttered on them and help them connect with people in their class and around the world.
Michael Wesch
This was video I really really liked. Mr. Wesch brings up great points how things have changed such as words like "whatever". He talks about how our generations change with interaction. How we have moved to talking to a camera which the whole world could end up watching. I think it is just awesome how we are united in a sense, even though we don't see each other. We have the beliefs and share them as one on one website.
It is true that basically does describe my life, when I post things on facebook. I don't even think that everybody I know can see and make a comment on it. It shows me that if I made videos for my students to watch and let them make comments and even video responses it gets everybody to get involved and learn at the same time.
As of right now I am working on how to establish my PLN making it larger so that I may follow more blogs and see whats going on with other people around the world. I am following Mr. McClung's blog, because I love the information he gave in one of his earlier post we had to read. I am also receiving notifications from Mrs. Goerend's student blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good idea to follow the classes that we are assigned's blogs... i hadn;t thought of that- thanks!\

